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    July and Nov 2022 KNEC (Modular) Certificates are ready for collection

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  • PBC Training Sept 2024
    PBC Training Invitation for August2024 Download

    1. The Invitation Letter

  • PBC Training programme 2024 - 2025
    PBC Training programme 2024 - 2025 . Download

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  • July & Nov 2022 KNEC Certs
    July and Nov 2022 KNEC Certificates are ready for collection

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  • Tracer Report Year 6
    The year six tracer study report findings and recommendations is out

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The Government of Kenya has a road sector investment Plan that provides the framework for work prioritization for the road network with maintenance as a priority consideration, to ensure the road asset is preserved to maximize on the value of this investment. in the past, there has been under investment in the maintenance of road infrastructure with lack of a life cycle management strategy, giving rise to a poor network with low standards of safety, poor access and travel time unreliability with increased costs of travel.

In order to reap maximum benefits from the road network and ensure sustainability, proper maintenance and management strategies must be put in place. The concept of Performance based contracting in road maintenance and management has been adopted in Kenya and commenced in 2010 on a pilot basis. this method of management of maintenance is meant to ensure the road network is maintained in good condition throughout its life time. this comprehensive guideline is expected to guide the user in the procurement, supervision and valuation through setting service levels as outputs measured by response time and permissible tolerances.

Generally, this document provides guidance on implementation of performance based contracting in road maintenance. it is hoped that the guideline will address the challenges related to reactive maintenance and will strengthen the culture of proactive interventions to ensure that the road asset is well maintained. all road authorities, counties and other entities involved in public roads maintenance are expected to make use of this guideline to maximize value for money in road investment.

This document was developed by a national Working Group that worked through a technical sub-Working Group under the ministry of transport and infrastructure, state department of infrastructure with the assistance of the Japanese international cooperation agency (JICA). The Working Group consisted of KRB, KIHBT, KENHA, KERRA, KURA, KWS, PPOA, NCA, MTRD, Japanese experts and the chief representative, who provided their valuable advice through a series of meetings, their contribution and dedication is recognized and acknowledged with appreciation. We are particularly grateful to the JICA team for their technical assistance in achieving this milestone and their assistance in capacity building in road maintenance and management in Kenya.

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